The Amazing Frank Chester – upcoming lecture!!!

Trust me, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Frank Chester (find out about his initial work here, and read reviews of his work here) has just returned from a very well received presentation of his research on the Chestahedron at Sunbridge College in Spring Valley, New York. Many in the audience expressed disappointment afterwards that...

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Goethean Phenomenology, Soul Breathing, and Transformation

Goethean phenomenology acts as a transformative bridge between the researcher and a topic of inquiry.  The method is unique not in that it attempts to work through the subject/object split, but rather in the WAY it attempts to do this. Doing Goethean phenomenological research requires that one be completely open to what presents itself, while...

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Projective Geometry – Harmonic Points Sequence

Projective geometry offers a window into the human soul -- not as a mere analogy, but directly: projective geometric processes are manifestations of the same archetypes that work through and within human experience. Doing projective geometry is to move your soul in accordance with these archetypes, and in so doing you start to train your...

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on destruction

The role of destruction, and of the working out of polarities, is a subject that has been dealt with an the alchemical tradition for a very long time.  Alchemically, it is understood that the issue you are dealing with, in which you find yourself (the prima materia) MUST go through a process of putrefaction, of...

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amidst the winds

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swallowing the sun

what spirit speaks the heart re-echoes its lofty chambers with choric ringing  twist and fold in timely rhythm the fountain's deep moods springing   unshadowed now, revealed and waking all forge and fire, veils rent aside the swallowed sun, see! - beaming again 'cross the rivers, stride in stride the call's heard round from distant shores the ferryman's change cast far away for the...

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Today I put up most of my poems on the site: Poetry isn't good for much if it never gets read, so despite the fact that many of these poems are embarrassing for one reason or another, I thought I'd post them as a kind of experiment/record of my own transformation, since transformation is...

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